
There are many different types of drums that can be used in traditional Korean dance. They each have unique qualities and purposes, but also share similarities. The most common drums used are the Changgo, Puk, Soe, Ching, and Sogo.


The Changgo is a double-headed drum that is shaped like an hourglass. The body is hollow and made of wood. Animal skins that are stretched over a metal rim make the drumheads. They are usually painted or lacquered either red or deep maroon and sometimes have added painted designs. The earliest record of them can be found on tomb paintings from 37 BCE. These drums started being used by the court and aristocracy and eventually spread to the commoner class. It is very popular and can be found in almost every genre of traditional Korean music.


The Puk is also double-headed but is shaped like a barrel. The body is made of either pine or paulownia. The skins stretched over the openings are usually from cow, dog or deer. The instrument hangs from the performer’s shoulder by a cotton cloth cord. A stick made of a hard word such as trifoliate orange strikes the drum. In the military, the Puk has been used to signal advances.


The Soe is a small, handheld, lipped, flat gong made of brass. It can be created by pouring liquid metal into a mold or forging by hand. A mallet made of hardwood strikes the Soe. Some examples are bamboo root or wax tree wood. The striking end of the mallet has decorative ornament made of leather. In addition to its purpose for music, the Soe can also be used as a dance prop, bottle opener, ashtray, or container to drink from.


The Ching is a handheld, lipped, flat gong that is larger than the Soe. It is also made of brass or bronze, either molded or by hand.  These instruments are made polished or unpolished. A beater is used to strike the center of the drum. The Ching has many uses. It has been used as a military signal to retreat, sounding of an alarm in village societies, and even a container to drink rice wine. During the performance, it is believed to hold the group together. Men play it more often than women.


The Sogo is a small, double-headed, frame drum with a handle. Both the handle and body are made of wood. Cow or dog skin is extended over the frame. It is either left plain or painted with a yin-yang, because of its Chinese origin. It is designed to produce very little sound. Its main purpose is to be used as a dance prop but it has alternate functions in village activities.

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