Ancient Rituals

The belief behind Buddhist dance is to offer one’s body to Buddha. Chants and instrumental music are essential elements to set the tone for the Buddhist dance. Skillful dancers are thereby able to exhibit the power and tension between inner emotions and with the beat of the drum.

Butterfly Dance
The butterfly dance is one of the three types of Buddhist dances. Traditionally it is performed by one or two monks, who hold lotus flowers in their hands. The dancer wear white costumes with hoods to represent butterflies. Movements include half squats and standing positions, movements are slow, quiet and meditative. The dance is accompanied by serene and tranquil Buddhist chats. The butterfly dance is similar to Mugo: in both dances the dancers have lotus flowers in their hands and represent butterflies.

Cymbal Dance

In the cymbal dance the dancers carry large brass cymbals in both hands which they strike and occasionally lift above their heads. The dance is usually accompanied by loud sounds, oboe, gong and a drum.

Drum dance

The drum dance is performed by one monk striking a large drum and is accompanied by loud and spirited ensemble. The drumming represents Nirvana, attaining salvation in Buddhist philosophy. This drum dance differs from Mugo by having just one dancer: in Mugo there are several primary and secondary dancers dancing around on drum, secondary dancers holding flowers in their hands. Because Mugo was originally meant to be more of an entertainment than a ritual dance, the dancers represent butterflies and in this drum dance the monk striking a large drum is representing Nirvana.

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